who seems to understand your work.
~ Kenneth Koch, American poet, playwright, and professor
Feedback can take many forms—a simple thank you, a hug, kiss, pat on the back, or handshake. And sometimes, feedback comes in the form of a written note.
Bio-Touch has received many such notes—testimonials, to be specific—over the years. Some are posted on its website, while many more are kept in a thick three-ring binder at the Center in Tucson. I had flipped through that binder once or twice, but had never actually sat down to read the testimonials. And so it wasn’t until I interviewed Paul Bucky for my book, Bio-Touch: HEALING WITH THE POWER IN OUR FINGERTIPS, that I heard about a particularly incredible testimonial in that notebook, written by a man named Curtis more than 20 years ago. And after reading it, I was so moved by Curtis’ story and his poignant words, that I included his entire testimonial in my book.
Curtis was a 74 year old man who suffered from a hereditary condition called retinitis pigmentosa, which causes blindness. Half the men in his family went blind, slowly and steadily, every other generation. Curtis wrote, “Needless to say, I’ve been blind…totally blind…for about five or six years.”
Curtis explained that he learned about Bio-Touch from “a fishing buddy” who was a “brittle diabetic…in very bad shape,” whose condition improved after receiving Bio-Touch sessions. Although a self-described skeptic, Curtis was impressed with what Bio-Touch did for his friend. “I acquiesced to being treated. The first thing I noticed from the treatment was being lightly touched in a very methodic way. After the treatment the practitioners were very nice and warm.”
So, Curtis continued having Bio-Touch sessions. “For a blind man to see again is virtually unheard of, except under the hands of the Almighty,” he noted. But in time, Curtis was truly able to see! Of that he wrote, “I began to think…goodness I can see the light by the window…a glow of light, and I got quite excited.” And then Curtis went on to see more things, such as trees, sunsets, and his own face in the mirror. “There I looked in the mirror and saw the ugliest old man I had ever seen!”
While his vision was fuzzy, and the images he saw were fleeting, he was extremely grateful to be able to see after being in the darkness for so long. His gratitude was palpable in his moving tribute to Bio-Touch and those who helped him, “What I’m writing this for is the miracle of Bio-Touch.”
Curtis’ appreciation for what Bio-Touch and its practitioners did for him is the best kind of feedback. It encourages all of us who are associated with Bio-Touch to continue sharing it and teaching it, helping more and more people all over the world. To paraphrase Kenneth Koch, Curtis’ testimonial was a powerful affirmation review by someone who understood the work of Bio-Touch.