Who Are Angels and Archangels?
According to spiritual and religious doctrines, Angels are powerful, yet loving celestial beings who were created by God. Angels have played roles in all major religions. There are nine ranks of Angels in their hierarchy, including Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, and Dominions.
The word Archangel comes from the Greek 'arch,' meaning chief, and 'angelos,' meaning God's messengers. Archangels are the chief messengers of God. Their main jobs are to oversee life on earth and help humans in many ways, including with the growth and development of their soul. Each Archangel has specific missions, traits, and areas of expertise, working to fulfill God's plans. Archangels are our Divine Best Friends, helping us heal on spiritual, emotional, physical, and soul levels. They support us, and assist us in so many ways. And they love us unconditionally. When we ask them to be in our lives, we are acknowledging their existence as well as their role as bridges between us and God. |
Our Divine Best Friends
No one knows how many Archangels there are in heaven; probably thousands or hundreds of thousands. But here are the Archangels whom I am honored to chat with on a regular basis: