Dear Friends,
I’m excited to be sharing this space with you, focusing on positive messages, hope, comfort, guidance, and love from our Divine Best Friends, the Archangels.
God created nine ranks of Angels including Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, and the Archangels. It’s the Archangels who were specifically designed to help humanity through all our challenges in life. It is their Angelic mission to help us, whether we’re religious or not.
Each week I will describe my incredible experiences communicating with eleven of the Archangels since 2011. I’ll also highlight specific Archangels, and what areas of expertise they specialize in, so you’ll know whom to call upon for assistance when needed. Plus, I’ll share Angelic messages for all of humanity which are sure to give your heart and soul a much-needed lift.
The Angels are omnipotent, which means they are powerful enough to be in a million places at one time, helping people all over the earth. So you needn’t worry about taking up their time. And no problem or concern is too small or insignificant to ask for help with. You can’t bother the Archangels—they love us and just want to show us how much.
Humans have free will, though, a Universal Law which states that the Angels cannot impose in our lives, even to help us, unless and until we invite them in. Inviting them in can be as simple as just saying something like, “Angels, please help me.”
In my book, How To Chat With Archangels: Inviting Your Divine Best Friends Into Your Life, I’ve titled Chapter 20 Divine Insight for Us All. I share with my readers some of the messages each Archangel has sent to me over the years. These messages of love that I call ‘Archangelisms’ are truly for all of us. I’m delighted to share this one with you now, from Archangel Metatron:
“Always protect the fledging fire of hope and joy in your heart for the goodness to come. And come it will. The Divine lives in you—that spark is the true reality that will bring some more heaven to your earthly experience, as you know it has before.”
Angel love and light,
I’m excited to be sharing this space with you, focusing on positive messages, hope, comfort, guidance, and love from our Divine Best Friends, the Archangels.
God created nine ranks of Angels including Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, and the Archangels. It’s the Archangels who were specifically designed to help humanity through all our challenges in life. It is their Angelic mission to help us, whether we’re religious or not.
Each week I will describe my incredible experiences communicating with eleven of the Archangels since 2011. I’ll also highlight specific Archangels, and what areas of expertise they specialize in, so you’ll know whom to call upon for assistance when needed. Plus, I’ll share Angelic messages for all of humanity which are sure to give your heart and soul a much-needed lift.
The Angels are omnipotent, which means they are powerful enough to be in a million places at one time, helping people all over the earth. So you needn’t worry about taking up their time. And no problem or concern is too small or insignificant to ask for help with. You can’t bother the Archangels—they love us and just want to show us how much.
Humans have free will, though, a Universal Law which states that the Angels cannot impose in our lives, even to help us, unless and until we invite them in. Inviting them in can be as simple as just saying something like, “Angels, please help me.”
In my book, How To Chat With Archangels: Inviting Your Divine Best Friends Into Your Life, I’ve titled Chapter 20 Divine Insight for Us All. I share with my readers some of the messages each Archangel has sent to me over the years. These messages of love that I call ‘Archangelisms’ are truly for all of us. I’m delighted to share this one with you now, from Archangel Metatron:
“Always protect the fledging fire of hope and joy in your heart for the goodness to come. And come it will. The Divine lives in you—that spark is the true reality that will bring some more heaven to your earthly experience, as you know it has before.”
Angel love and light,