Hello friends!
Here is a great question I recently received from one of my readers, named Lyn: “Debra, does true love still exist in this world of ours today? If so, how do I find it? How can I connect to it?”
My answer is a big yes, true love still exists! And what perfect timing for such a question; true love has definitely been front and center for me and my hubby, Howard. That’s because we just celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary on the 16th of June!
We chose to enjoy a golden anniversary adventure to a state we’d never visited - one we could drive to over a two-day period. That state was Utah. We enjoyed exploring all the natural beauty between Arizona and throughout Utah, and on our anniversary, we renewed our vows with a heart-felt, officiated ceremony in a white gazebo in a lovely park. Yes, true, everlasting love was definitely in the air that day! Howard and I are very grateful and feel so blessed to be able to experience this kind of love.
Here is a great question I recently received from one of my readers, named Lyn: “Debra, does true love still exist in this world of ours today? If so, how do I find it? How can I connect to it?”
My answer is a big yes, true love still exists! And what perfect timing for such a question; true love has definitely been front and center for me and my hubby, Howard. That’s because we just celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary on the 16th of June!
We chose to enjoy a golden anniversary adventure to a state we’d never visited - one we could drive to over a two-day period. That state was Utah. We enjoyed exploring all the natural beauty between Arizona and throughout Utah, and on our anniversary, we renewed our vows with a heart-felt, officiated ceremony in a white gazebo in a lovely park. Yes, true, everlasting love was definitely in the air that day! Howard and I are very grateful and feel so blessed to be able to experience this kind of love.
But we know that many people are not fortunate enough to reach this milestone. Sometimes love just doesn’t last, for any number of reasons. So how are some couples able to keep their love going strong for half a century or more? Well, I believe it starts with choosing the right partner, whether you’ve been led through prayer, Divine guidance, listening to that small voice inside, or through dumb luck!
When you find a partner that you cannot imagine living without, through all life’s difficulties and stresses of jobs, money, raising children, illness, etc., and is worthy of all your devotion, respect, and fidelity, you’ve struck relationship gold.
But what if you haven’t found such a partner in life and, like my reader, long to find and connect with true love? Or what if you would like your marriage or relationship to be imbued with deeper, more genuine feelings of love?
Well, there’s an Archangel for that - Angel Chamuel! His name means “Eyes of God,” and he has all-seeing omniscient vision, perceiving every connection in every realm of the universe between everything and everyone. He knows exactly what is missing in your life, whether it’s your lost car keys, a more suitable place for you to live, a more fulfilling job, or true love, and he knows how to find it for you. He loves finding it for you.
As I always say, especially in my book, “How To Chat With Archangels,” you just have to ask! After initially inviting the Archangels into your life so they can help you, as they were created to do, you can ask Angel Chamuel specifically, or ask them all as a group, silently or out loud, to please help you find what you are missing; what you are longing for.
Sometimes, thank heavens, the missing item (such as Howard’s recently misplaced wedding ring) will appear within minutes. Other times, it may take weeks or months.
And you must believe and have faith after you have asked. But you can rest assured that your sincere request is being worked on and will be brought to you if it is in your highest good. And true love is always in your highest good!
Another reader, named Gloria, recently emailed me with a great story about how one recent evening she was getting ready to go to dinner and couldn’t find her glasses. She looked all over and even had her daughter and a friend search with her. They just couldn’t find them. Gloria couldn’t imagine where they could be.
Then she said quietly to herself, “Can you even imagine that, Angels?” Then she walked toward the bathroom as the others were walking out of that room. That’s when Gloria saw and happily pointed toward the middle of the bathroom floor. There were the glasses, and they had not been there a minute before! Gloria thanked the Angels three times, and everyone laughed together in disbelief.
I just love it when my readers share their Angelic stories with me! And I also love to answer your questions about our Divine Best Friends! Until next month, I wish you many blessings!
Angel Love and Light,
When you find a partner that you cannot imagine living without, through all life’s difficulties and stresses of jobs, money, raising children, illness, etc., and is worthy of all your devotion, respect, and fidelity, you’ve struck relationship gold.
But what if you haven’t found such a partner in life and, like my reader, long to find and connect with true love? Or what if you would like your marriage or relationship to be imbued with deeper, more genuine feelings of love?
Well, there’s an Archangel for that - Angel Chamuel! His name means “Eyes of God,” and he has all-seeing omniscient vision, perceiving every connection in every realm of the universe between everything and everyone. He knows exactly what is missing in your life, whether it’s your lost car keys, a more suitable place for you to live, a more fulfilling job, or true love, and he knows how to find it for you. He loves finding it for you.
As I always say, especially in my book, “How To Chat With Archangels,” you just have to ask! After initially inviting the Archangels into your life so they can help you, as they were created to do, you can ask Angel Chamuel specifically, or ask them all as a group, silently or out loud, to please help you find what you are missing; what you are longing for.
Sometimes, thank heavens, the missing item (such as Howard’s recently misplaced wedding ring) will appear within minutes. Other times, it may take weeks or months.
And you must believe and have faith after you have asked. But you can rest assured that your sincere request is being worked on and will be brought to you if it is in your highest good. And true love is always in your highest good!
Another reader, named Gloria, recently emailed me with a great story about how one recent evening she was getting ready to go to dinner and couldn’t find her glasses. She looked all over and even had her daughter and a friend search with her. They just couldn’t find them. Gloria couldn’t imagine where they could be.
Then she said quietly to herself, “Can you even imagine that, Angels?” Then she walked toward the bathroom as the others were walking out of that room. That’s when Gloria saw and happily pointed toward the middle of the bathroom floor. There were the glasses, and they had not been there a minute before! Gloria thanked the Angels three times, and everyone laughed together in disbelief.
I just love it when my readers share their Angelic stories with me! And I also love to answer your questions about our Divine Best Friends! Until next month, I wish you many blessings!
Angel Love and Light,